Wednesday, August 09, 2006

More on Alpenrose

Here are some more quick links about Alpenrose:
  • Here is the eTeamz article I did talking about the technical set-up for the Little League Softball World Series. Volunteers and community businesses help make a wonderful experience for the girls and allow for communications via phone, internet, and from the scorebooks of each game.

  • Here are some great photos of the teams as they arrived at Alpenrose yesterday (pictures courtesy of Tim Jackson, thanks dad!). The teams come by limo to get their uniforms, see the ballfield, and meet their housing families. While in Portland, the players stay with local families who provide a home, meals and transportation to the games and practices. Lifelong friendships are developed over the week...I have personally seen tears at the Closing Ceremonies when host families must say Goodbye to their girls.


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